1. What’s an EPK or press kit?

A press kit is a pre-packaged set of promotional materials used to promote a person or business entity to the media or other businesses. An EPK is a dynamic, electronic version of the press kit such as a website, a downloadable file or a DVD. They should include a bio, facts, photos, videos and, when appropriate, music. It should tell the world who you are and what you have to offer.  We create EPK’s in the form of a website.

2. Do I have to be working at a professional level to benefit from an EPK?

Absolutely not! Anyone who needs their talent, skills or business to get noticed can benefit from an EPK. If you have no press clippings, an EPK can be used to get some by sending it to media outlets or including the link in a press release. It can also be your electronic calling card given to anyone who desires more information about what you have to offer.

3. Do I need to already have press clippings or news articles to have a press kit?

Quite the contrary. It can actually be a great tool to help you garner press, promotional blurbs or endorsements. Our EPK’s create excitement about what you to have you offer.  Use it for potential clients, buyers, employers, and, of course, media.

4. What are your prices?

Our introductory pricing ranges from $125 to $450.  Click here for details.  We encourage you to do your research and you’ll see that we are extremely reasonably priced.

5. I’ve ordered my EPK. Now what do I do to get started?

First step is to visit our Tools page to see what we need and how to send it. Ultimately we will need a bio, photos, mp3 files (if you are a singer/musician), videos and photos. The Tools page will give you full details on the size and type of files to send and how to send them.

6. How do I send Rock-A-PK the files you need?

We prefer you upload them to an online storage site. For details and links to suggested sites click here.

7. Can I use my EPK as a personal or business website?

For sure – and you should! We can tailor the design to include information that suits you best including downloadable files or link it to another site of your choice. The sky is the limit.

8. What if I want something different than I see in your Portfolio?

We’re happy to discuss your needs with you and see what we can come up with. Click here to email us.

9. Can I use my own URL for my EPK?

Yes. Our EPK packages offer that option.  Your options are to give us one you already own or purchase one of your choice. If use our default URL it will be something along the lines of it will be something along the lines of http://www.rockapk.com/yourname.

10. Can you create a regular (non EPK) website for me? 

Yes. Aside from our EPK’s we also design basic (no Flash, etc.) websites using WordPress. Inquire here

11. Will I be able to submit edits on the first draft of my EPK?

Yes. With Option 1 you may submit 2 rounds of edits. For Options 2 & 3 you may submit 3 rounds of edits.

12. I am a student at LA Recording School or LA Film School. Can you tell me about the discount?

Sure. It’s simple. Grab a fellow-student who is also ready to get their EPK. When you order your EPK’s together your price will be $250 for two EPK’s (or $125 each).  You will receive the Watch Out World Here I Come option (2). You have two choices for making payment. If you are paying for both with one debit or credit card click Option 2 on the payment page and you will be charged the full $250. In the comment section of the Paypal payment page list both names and email address of the persons ordering the EPK’s in the comment section. If you want to pay separately then each of you  need to click on the I Just Need A Little Help option (1) and use the discount code ‘lafs’ to make a payment of $125. Be sure to list both names in the comment section on the Paypal payment page.

We will verify your enrollment at LAFS or LARS. All we need is your name and enrollment date in order to do that. Current students and those that attended within the last year are eligible.

Have a question we haven’t answered? Ask us! 

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  1. Pingback: The Press Kit – The Calling Card of a True Professional | Rock-A-Press Kit

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